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5 principles to live by: Reiki living


I will not worry…

Worry is the source to anxiety and stress and throws the mind and spirit out of balance, the body follows the mind. Respond with negativity and worry more, respond with positivity and life becomes an opportunity to be better, and not sit on the worry.

I will not anger…

Anger is one of the most negative emotions and so difficult to avoid. But the goal is not to avoid anger but to understand the triggers of the emotions That show up. It could also be an opportunity to bring the emotions back into control. If you can take a moment to reflect on what triggered you, you can respond more positive and take back your power.

I will do my work honestly…

Live with the intention to do your best. Be sincere with every task you take on, be humble. Everyone at some point is dishonest. Stealing for instance is a form of living dishonestly. You may not steal from another person. But instead you steal from yourself. If you can help people and you choose not to, you’re stealing from yourself by denying your gift and also stealing from a person that can benefit from it. Be honest with yourself in knowing that you are being truthful with who you are.

I will be grateful….

Give thanks to all the good in your life. Life makes sure to give us what we need. Maybe not what we want, but conspires to give us all that we need to better ourselves in this time and in each experience we live. Reflect on the many blessings that you receive. Make a list of the blessing, leaving the materialistic ones aside. When you appreciate the blessings you find life to be more meaningful.

I will be kind to all….

You receive what you give. By being good to others you put positive energy out into the world. Send out healing, and you receive healing, send out negative thoughts, and you receive exactly that. Put that to practice for others to see you as an example to follow. The Law of karma states what comes around goes around. Send out what you want in your life.

Reiki principles are only guides. The principles begin with ”Just for today“ because we are human and imperfect. We can improve on ourselves daily, but if and when you slip up we can work on it again tomorrow.

The more you work on the principles the more you condition yourself and adopt them as a way of life.

Position the principles in a place where you can see them and remind yourself of them

Use them as a mantra during a meditation and train yourself to become aware on what comes up every time you use them. Journal the emotions that come up. It’s interesting to see and look back at your journal to see how you’ve grown.

Try it out!






Products sold by Cas & Atty are specially designed to enhance the user’s own energy. Our energy infused products are empowered by the user’s own personal intentions to change or improve themselves. The responsibility for empowering the energy enhancing capability of the products and practices we offer are solely with the user. While all our products are sold and advertised in good faith, results and outcomes do vary and cannot be guaranteed. Cas and Atty accepts no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of the products sold herein. With that being said, we're here to support you and serve as guides to empower you in discovering your own healing abilities.

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